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Developer's Guide


Just run tox. If everything passes, you're OK. If not, read on.

Formatting and Linting

Mcbootflash uses the following tools for automatic formatting, linting, and static type checking:

  • black
  • isort
  • mypy
  • ruff

Autoformat with tox -e format.

Lint and type check with tox -e lint.

These checks run automatically for all pull requests, and must pass before merge.

Code style

In addition to these automatically enforced rules, the following style rules apply:

  • Blank lines before and after indented code blocks (1), unless the block starts at the beginning of another block (2).

  • Comments and docstrings are sentences; They start with capital letter and end with a period. Docstrings follow Numpydoc style (3).

  • Class names are CamelCase. Underscore is not allowed except at the start of the name to mark the class as private. Class names should be nouns (4).

  • Function names are snake_case with underscore separating words. Function names should be verbs or verb phrases (5).

  • Variables which are local to a function scope are snake_case, same as functions. Variable names should be nouns or adjectives (6).

  • Module-level variables and class variables are SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (7).

Code style example
"""Spam-related things go here."""
from __future__ import annotations

MAX_SPAM = 5                                                     # (7)

class Spam:                                                      # (4)
    """Spiced ham."""

def eat_spam(spams: list[Spam]) -> int:                          # (5)
    """Eat spam and report how many spams were eaten.            # (3)

    spams : list[Spam]
        Spam spam spam.

    eaten : int
        Number of spams eaten.
    eaten = 0                                                    # (6)
                                                                 # (1)
    for _ in spams:
        if eaten >= MAX_SPAM:                                    # (2)
            print("Can't eat more spam.")

        print("Ate spam.")
        eaten += 1

    return eaten


Mcbootflash is tested with pytest. To run the tests, use tox -e test.

Most of mcbootflash's functionality revolves around reading and writing data from/to a serial bus. Testing mcbootflash therefore involves checking that mcbootflash:

  1. writes the expected bytes to the bus,
  2. reads the correct number of bytes in response, and
  3. processes the response data correctly.

This is accomplished by means of a pytest plugin, pytest-reserial. Serial traffic is first recorded by running the tests against a real device running the bootloader. Then, during tests the recorded traffic is replayed using a mocked serial port. A test passes if the bits written to and read from the mocked port match the recorded traffic exactly.

To create a new test, or update an old one, run pytest --record -k <test_name> with a device in bootloader mode connected at /dev/ttyUSB0 with a baudrate of 460800 (the port name and baudrate are currently hardcoded during testing; pull requests welcome if you need them to be dynamic).